Ep_35 Ask Kev_My child hears voices_what do I do : this mp3 audio file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.
Kevin Hines:
My name is Kevin Hines. I jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge. I believe that I had to die, but I lived. Today, I travel the world with my lovely wife, Margaret, sharing stories of people who have triumphed over incredible adversity. Now, we help people be here tomorrow. Welcome to the HINESIGHT's podcast.
Kevin Hines:
What is cracking, Hope Nation? It is your friendly neighbor, Kevin Hines. And this is another round of Ask Kev, your favorite channel where you ask me the questions, I cultivate the answers, I stew them in a pot, Ok, here we go. The last question I received is a tough one. I'll be very honest with you, I've been racking my brain about this, it's very important that I give a good answer. An individual asked me, Kevin, my son is hearing voices, what do I do? As an individual who has heard voices and hears voices on a regular basis that seem like they're not that of my conscience, that seem like they're out of the realm of my brain, that they're coming in from another source that they're not like my own conscious thinking, my own thoughts, that I don't recognize as someone I know, love or care for, as someone who's heard voices in fourth grade and someone who heard voices at 17 on up, I have to say to the individual's parents of this young boy, encourage your child to always tell you the truth about hearing the voices and be non-judgmental, be kind, and compassionate, and empathetic in your tone and your eye contact when he is telling you about his voices, don't let it scare you. This is happening to kids all over the world. Make sure you get clinical care as soon as humanly possible. Clinical care is imperative to someone who hears voices, for the doctors to assess what to do in that situation and how to make sure that person can get the help they desperately need. And make sure that your relationship with your son is so transparent about these voices that he's able to come to mom and dad or come to the guardians and say what's going on in his mind on a regular basis without being judged at all. One of the things that happened to me when I heard voices for the first time in fourth grade was that I silenced my pain, I didn't know who to tell or what to say, so I didn't say anything. And then when I turned 17 and a half and I heard voices again, I silenced my pain again, I buried my pain, my struggles, and then I was seeing things, hearing voices, it all became too much to bear, and then I ended up attempting to die with my hands off the Golden Gate Bridge. You know, on the time I was on the bridge, when I was on the bridge, the last thing I heard before my attempt was jump now and I did. And so it's imperative to be honest, be forthcoming, and be empathetic, and non-judgmental when your child tells you about the voices they hear in their head. And make sure they get the clinical care they so desire and so deserve. And if that's out of the realm of possibility, if you're not able to even get clinical care, one of the easier things you can do is to read every book you can about auditory and visual hallucinations so you can battle them to the best of your ability. That's my answer today. I don't want to pretend I know all the answers, but I want to give you something to utilize. Please go forth and help your child be better tomorrow. Guys, I'm wishing you the best, hope, help, healing and light at the end of every tunnel, and I want to say, be here tomorrow and every day after that. You are loved, you are valued, you are worthy and you matter to me. Bye, guys. Be well and be here tomorrow.
Kevin Hines:
Margaret and I love sharing stories of people who have triumphed over incredible adversity for more content and inspiration, go to KevinHinesStory.com or visit us on all social media at KevinHinesStory or on youtube.com/KevinHines.
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