Episode Summary
Even though this is an Ask Kev episode, we have a very special guest!
We have the pleasure to have Lauren Breen asking questions to Kev today. From Kevin’s greatest fear, to what he is binge-watching on Netflix, what sparks his curiosity right now, how does he feel about cranberries, who his dream guests are, and much more! Get to know Kev a little better!
This episode features rapid-fire questions and Kevin answers straight away, tune in!
Key Take-Aways
Kevin is doing a podcast to help people find hope.
Visit Kevin’s website for more content.
Reach out to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline if needed.
EP 56 _Hinesights Podcast_Ask Kev Quick Questions: Audio automatically transcribed by Sonix
EP 56 _Hinesights Podcast_Ask Kev Quick Questions: this mp3 audio file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.
Kevin Hines:
My name is Kevin Hines. I jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge. I believe that I had to die, but I lived. Today, I travel the world with my lovely wife, Margaret, sharing stories of people who have triumphed over incredible adversity. Now, we help people be here tomorrow. Welcome to the HINESIGHTS podcast.
Kevin Hines:
What is cracking, Hope Nation? It is your friendly neighborhood, Kevin Hines, and this is another round of Ask Kev, where you send your questions through the internets and I gather them, I put them into a pot, I boil them with stew, and then I answer them accordingly according to your questions, appropriately, right away, straight away. Lauren Breen is our question-asker of the day, she is the producer extraordinaire behind the camera, Lauren, take it away. What are the rapid-fire questions you've got for me right now?
Lauren Breen :
What is your greatest fear?
Kevin Hines:
My greatest fear, you know, I've had this fear since I was a little kid, and I don't know why I have it, I don't know where it comes from, I don't know where it, I don't know where it spawned from, but it's an awful fear. I have this fear that I'll be put in prison for a crime I did not commit. I've never committed a crime, so and I've never, I'm never going to, going to commit a crime. So why would I go to prison for all those crimes I didn't commit? What is my greatest fear? It's in the back of my head, like gnawing at me on a regular basis. It's a, it's a, it's a bit of a nonsensical fear. Rapid-fire question number two!
Lauren Breen :
Is what is one thing you aren't very good at?
Kevin Hines:
I'll give you three, snowboarding, skateboarding, and surfing. The three s's, I hate them, I can't do them well. Next.
Lauren Breen :
Who would you like to have to dinner dead or alive?
Kevin Hines:
Oh, that's easy. Who would I like to have dinner dead or alive? Alive, The Rock. Dead, Gandhi. I would like to have them both at dinner simultaneously, that would be one hell of a conversation. Love to have Gandhi over for dinner because when I was a kid in religious studies class, we watched the film Gandhi, played by Ben Kingsley, an amazing portrayal of the man, and I just, I always thought even back then in high school, that if I ever had the chance to sit down with the man, it would be a gift from the heavens above.
Lauren Breen :
What are you currently binge-watching on Netflix?
Kevin Hines:
What am I currently binge-watching on Netflix? The Dragon Prince, of course, season one, because I'm three seasons behind and I'm finding it to be very enlightening and fascinating and fun and cartoony, and my wife calls me a child, I don't care, I love it very much.
Lauren Breen :
What are you curious about right now?
Kevin Hines:
What am I curious about right now? Phase six of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. What's going to happen? What movies are going to be made? Who's going to be the new characters? Where are they going in the plot lines, and who's going to die? I want to know all these things, and I can't yet because it's not out yet. But that's one thing I'm curious about right now. Also curious about what the heck we're going to do about global warming when half the country doesn't want to do anything and is ignoring the fact and wishing that it's not real or pretending that it doesn't exist. Yeah, that's terrifying me because it is real. It does exist and we are in trouble.
Lauren Breen :
Why are you making a podcast?
Kevin Hines:
That's a great question, LB, we are making a podcast because we want to help people. We want to help people who are going through mental pain find hope, that is why we're making this podcast. It's for anybody in any kind of pain, and it is for people to help them see the light at the end of the tunnel, see the forest through the trees and change their lives, their livelihood, their lifestyles, and maybe even their destiny. And it's, we're making it because it's entertaining and fun as well as educational, as intriguing as it is. We're excited about it, we're looking forward to being out there for the world to see and hear, and you'll be hearing from us soon about what it's going to drop.
Who is one of your dream guests for the podcast?
Kevin Hines:
Who is one of my dream guests for the podcast? That's a great question. My two dream podcast guests would have to be Joe Quesada and Kevin Feige in the same room, talking all things Marvel cinematic universe and comic book universe, and breaking down how they got together and created, with some of the best creatives in the world, one of the biggest, most fruitful and fantastic cinematic universes in the history of mankind. They played the long game, they took their time, I want to know the ins and outs and the whole, the whole night, it would be phenomenal.
Lauren Breen :
Who was your childhood celebrity crush?
Kevin Hines:
My celebrity crush, without a doubt, was, is, and always will be Salma Hayek.
Lauren Breen :
Do you currently own any stuffed animals?
Kevin Hines:
Lauren Breen :
What something that you could eat for a whole week straight?
Kevin Hines:
Oh, Mexican food. I could eat Mexican food every day for the rest of my life, except for the fact that I can't eat gluten anymore for that. Not much of it, anyway. Mexican food. I'll figure out a way, for faves.
Lauren Breen :
When you fly on a plane, do you ever wear a neck pillow?
Kevin Hines:
No. Neck pillows are for dweebs. You dweebs, wear a neck pillow. No, I'm kidding. David, I know you wear one .... No, I don't wear neck pillows because I have a wrestler's neck, just too strong.
Lauren Breen :
How do you feel about cranberries?
Kevin Hines:
Cranberries, I love, I have a bunch of dried cranberries upstairs. I love cranberries. I love dried cranberries. I love cranberries on a stick. I love cranberries in my hand, love cranberries in cranberry juice. So I'll have cranberries and cranberry apple, ginger juice, and cranberries and cranberry cherry juice. I love cranberries, cranberries, cranberries, cranberries. That's a wrap for this session of Ask Kev, where you ask your questions, we answer them to the best of our ability. Guys, whatever you do, get out there, be good to each other, be good to yourselves, be kind, compassionate, loving, caring, empathetic, and non-judgmental to every single person you ever come into contact with, no matter their behavior toward you, because you never know what they're going through on their end and be here tomorrow and every damn day after that. And you're beautiful just as you are, you're perfect just as you are. You're a thousand times greater than the worst thing you've ever done. And if nobody else says today, we love you and we want you to stay See you soon. Bye, guys. Be well and be here.
Kevin Hines:
Margaret and I love sharing stories of people who have triumphed over incredible adversity. For more content and inspiration, go to KevinHinesStory.com, or visit us on all social media at KevinHinesStory or on youtube.com/KevinHines.
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