Ep 59_ Ask_Kev_5 THINGS I NEVER TRAVEL WITHOUT: this mp3 audio file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.
Kevin Hines:
My name is Kevin Hines. I jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge. I believe that I had to die, but I lived. Today, I travel the world with my lovely wife, Margaret, sharing stories of people who have triumphed over incredible adversity. Now, we help people be here tomorrow. Welcome to the HINESIGHTS podcast.
Kevin Hines:
What is cracking, Hope Nation? It is your friendly neighborhood, Kevin Hines, and this is another round of ask Kev.
What are five things you never travel without?
Kevin Hines:
So I never travel without my meds, because that would be a bad idea. I never travel without my meds, my deadpool watch, my project Rock gear, for me to work out in, my Deadpool watch, or my toothbrush kit and shaving kit. Got to have those things to keep myself sound and sane. It's important to pack your meds, it's important to pack them in the right luggage. I did make the mistake of packing them in my checked luggage, one time I couldn't get to them, I stayed up for a 14-hour flight. I think I was up like the entirety of the 14-hours editing footage. Remember that Lauren? And I had a complete mental breakdown on the plane and getting off the plane. I just, I hadn't taken my meds, I hadn't slept in 14 hours. When I don't sleep, I get completely out of whack. Mentally, I was unwell, unfit for travel. They shouldn't have let me get on the next plane. Just kidding, they did, it was nice. No, but I definitely had to check myself and be like, hey, buddy, don't do that again. Make sure your meds are in the bag that you need them to be in so you can take them so you can get some rest, and while I was editing for 14 hours, I don't know, I just everyone was like, Kevin, go to sleep, but I couldn't, I was definitely a manic episode that went way too far. That's a meds story. Let's talk about Deadpool Watch. Where is it right now? It's not on me. Dag, it's upstairs. The Deadpool watch was given to me by the one true and amazing Amy Bledsoe. Shout out Amy Bledsoe, mental health advocate extraordinaire, Amy Bledsoe is a great friend of modernized. We are really close, and she's an amazing human being who works really, really tirelessly for brain health. So shout out to Amy, big ups to you. You know that Deadpool watch means a lot to me. Deadpool was born in pain. So was I, different kinds of pain, but certainly, certainly pain. And he's my favorite character of all time, as you can tell right there. What's up, Pooley? What's going on, buddy? You're doing good? You feeling Ok? What's that? You want a taco, a chimichanga? No, I don't have a Mexican restaurant in the in my kitchen. Sorry, buddy, you're gonna have to wait a little while. Don't shoot me with a bazooka. Ok, there's Pooley over there. What else I, meds, Deadpool watch, project Rock Gear. Here's why. I totally love rocky, the project Rock gear because of what it means. We're all projects, as The Rock says, we're all works in progress. We can all get due and be better, and I'm trying to get back into fighting shape right now because it is something that helps my brain significantly do better and function at a higher capacity. Exercise is my go to for that, and I take a lot of medications that affect my body weight, so I have to I have to, mental health medications that affect my body weight, so I have to really focus on getting in shape and staying in shape physically so I can stay in shape mentally so that project Rock gear always helps me do that. My weight band is crucial because I can't always get to the gym, but I can always work out in my room. I can always wake up that much earlier, work out of my room and get it done. So that's always been a great fun practice of mine is getting in where I can fit it in. One of the things I have to have so I can keep hygienically clean is my toothbrush, toothpaste and my shaving kit to keep my beard a trimmed, you know, keep a beard trimmed, keep those pearly oils clean and make sure I'm on point. Guys, be well, be good to yourself. Be kind and compassionate, loving and caring to every single person you ever come into contact with, no matter their behavior toward you, because you never know what they're going through. Guys, that's the Ask Kev for the day. Bye, guys, see you.
Kevin Hines:
Margaret and I love sharing stories of people who have triumphed over incredible adversity. For more content and inspiration, go to KevinHinesStory.com or visit us on all social media at KevinHinesStory or on youtube.com/KevinHines.
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